Ils me dechirent mon magazine...Ils se disputent meme les pages! C'etait trop rigolo!
They were having fun with my magasine...That was fun to watch!
Coucou maman! Ca c'est trop marrant...
Hi mom! That's a fun game...
Le desastre!!! Il a trouve ca trop marrant!!! Je ne savais pas qu'on avait des mini tornade dans la maison?!
The disaster!!! He had fun!!! I didn't know we had a mini tornado around here?!
Il grignote son gateau maintenant qu'il a 2 dents!
He loves his cookie now that he has 2 teeth!
OUPS! Maman aide moi...Le panier me tombe dessus (il se cramponne)... Je crois que j'ai fais une betise...
OUPS! Mom help me...The basket is falling on me...I think I was not suppose to do that!
He Rocks!