Livin' in BeA.L.A.N.C.E.

Be..Aware, Love, Laugh, Accept, Appreciate, and Nuture Nature, Community, and Conscious Experiential Development.....HATRED IS LAMe

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sebastien marche a 4 pattes! Seby is crawling!


Quelques photos rigolotes...

Un petit Sebastien tout nu qui attend que la baignoire se remplisse...

Il joue a cache-cache dans le sac de linge...

Il a bien mange...Hummmm!

Il est toujours en train de vider tous les tiroirs...Ce matin, il a fait les tiroirs de la salle de bain!

Il est tout fier de lui...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Seb loves the pool!!!

It's another gorgeous, warm day in Southern California. Middle of March and it's 82 degrees.

Time to hit the pool!

Brodi and Seb on the guitar

Brodi likes to play guitar for Seb and Seb loves to listen to Brodi play. Its a good activity for the brothers. Seb already looks up to his big brother!

Sebastien standing and holdin' on!

Though he is not walking yet, Seb is starting to pull himself up to things, standing, and getting his little hands on everything...

Jason's Garden

I just planted the garden for the spring. Lettuces, peppers, tomatoes, squash, herbs, and more good stuff. So far, so good. We'll see if we can keep the bugs and rodents away and have this garden produce some healthy eats for us!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sebastien et sa maman...

Sebastien se met maintenant debout tout seul!

Il adore vider ses tiroirs...

Il ne veut plus s'assoir...Toujours en train de s'accrocher aux meubles...

Ses 2 petites dents! Trop mignon...

Sebastien a la plage...

Il s'amuse avec le sable...Il en a meme mange un petit peu pour voir si c'etait bon!

Sa petite bouille...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Petite promenade pres de la riviere...

Sebastien etait fier de se promener avec son baton!
Sebastien was proud of his stick!

Il a aussi trouve un petit buisson tout sec...

He also had a dried bush that he carried around...

Sebastien a 8 mois!

Il s'amuse dans le park devant la maison...
He plays in the park on front of the house...

Il est un petit peu fatigue...

He is a little bit tired...

Dans sa chambre en train de vider les tiroirs!

In his room emptying his drawer!

Il aide maman dans la cuisine...

He helps mommy in the kitchen...